American Originals Slot Machines

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The meaning of Slot machine in dream | Dream interpretation

By playing an American style slot machine game you can travel to the small pub somewhere in Ohio or to the loud casino somewhere in Nevada. There are both classic slots with 3 simple reels and typical game symbols and modern video slots with detailed graphics, unique soundtracks, and entertaining bonus rounds.

Whether you played them, observed others playing, won, lost, or broke even, these one- armed bandits featured in your dream are telling you to conserve your resources because you are likely to have some unanticipated demands on them in the near future.

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams | Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett

See Gamble.

Strangest Dream Explanations | Dream Explanations - Anonymous

1. Willingness to take a chance on something or someone.

2. Engaging in potentially self-destructive behavior.

New American Dream Dictionary | Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin

Whether you played them, watched others playing, won, lost, or broke even, dreaming of slot machines is a warning to conserve your resources (either mental, emotional or financial) because you are likely to have some unexpected demands on them in the near future.

My Dream Interpretation | myjellybean

A slot machine is about intermittent variable reward, one of the most addictive systems in life where you may or may not win something so you feel compelled to continue trying. In what ways are you continuing to focus on something because there is a very slight chance of a big payoff? This dream may be pointing to a way in which you are tied to the habit of hope at the detriment of other aspects of your life. Of course, some gambles do pay off, so such an image in a dream may also be asking you to take a risk.

Complete Dictionary of Dreams | Dr. Mıchael Lennox

Slot Machine | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream:SlotMachine


An adding machine, whether the old-lashioned kind or an electronic calculator, computes business expenditures and may point to your frustration about finances. It may also indicate that you should look at how and where you are spending your money.

A machine meant to add up numbers properly may also be a sign that something does not “add up,” indicating that your suspicions may be warrantee.... Ariadne's Book of Dream

Ariadne's Book of Dream


If you dream of using an adding machine, you will meet someone who will prove his or ber friendship by substantial co-operation.... The Complete Dream Book
The Complete Dream Book


Symbolic of collecting messages you need to hear ... Christian Dream Symbols
Christian Dream Symbols


(see Telephone) Avoiding direct communication with others. Screening or carefully recording the input you’re getting from various sources.... The Language of Dreams
The Language of Dreams


Problems in retrieving messages from your answenng machine may point to frustration in understanding a communication from someone you care about. It may be an indication that you arc not listening.... Ariadne's Book of Dream
Ariadne's Book of Dream


To dream of receiving a message on an answering machine, suggests that changes will take place in your social life.

To dream of leaving a message on an answering machine, means that you will be placed in an unpleasant situation.... My Dream Interpretation

My Dream Interpretation


To see a bank card or bank machine in your dream relates to your desires for financial security.

If you dreamed of taking out or depositing money, the dream may be letting you know that your money situation is not as bad as you think. But if you saw someone else using the ATM, or if you dreamed of losing your bank card, you are being warned against carelessless with your cash.... My Dream Interpretation

My Dream Interpretation


Its interpretation is related to BUILDING.

It is indicative of a favorable status; the dreamer has the necessary tools to carry out the projects that she has set for herself.... The Big Dictionary of Dreams

The Big Dictionary of Dreams


To remember something, to find something, to lift and remove something old.... Little Giant Encyclopedia
Little Giant Encyclopedia


1- Messages from a hidden source or part of ourselves are often brought to us in dreams in a totally logical way. Thus, while the message itself may be unintelligible, how it is initially received is not.

2- VVe may be aware that someone is trying to communicate with us but, because we are distanced from them, the transmission has to be mechanical.

3- In a dream, a fax machine can have spiritual undertones in that can be a way of transmitting messages from ‘beyond’. We need to be open to this.... Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary

Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary


In a dream, a fax machine may signify that you are receiving a telepathic message sent from someone through subconscious channels. Thar it is received on paper brings authenticity to the message... Ariadne's Book of Dream
Ariadne's Book of Dream


Dream Meanings of Versatile


To dream of seeing a flying machine, foretells that you will make satisfactory progress in your future speculations.

To see one failing to work, foretells gloomy returns for much disturbing and worrisome planning. ... Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation


To dream about a gumball machine suggets that attractive temptations will soon be put before you. Just be careful to make wise choices, or you could end up in a sticky situation.... My Dream Interpretation
My Dream Interpretation


The carnal power of man; research the type... Dream Dictionary Unlimited
Dream Dictionary Unlimited


Example: I see a little girl humming an innocent tune, plucking daisies in a vast lush green field. Suddenly a huge machine or monster comes ploughing through the field over the girl’ (Debbie H). Debbie sees life itself as a machine, unfeeling, mechanical, blind in its functioning.

The word jug­gernaut is from Sanskrit Jaganatha, lord of the world. Devotees formerly threw themselves under a huge can as it moved.

Generally, a machine represents the body’s automatic func­tions and drives, such as breathing and ageing; the mechani­cal forces of nature; habitual or mechanical behaviour. Intri­cate machine: brain or the thinking process in its mechanical habitual form, the habitual, almost mechanical fantasies we have or things we do.

Example: I am in charge of a life machine which keeps the world going. Unless I tend it all the time it may stop, and I am terrified. I hear a pulsating noise, or imagine I do’ (Mr P E). Here the machine represents the heart, and the dreamer’s anxious relationship with the body’s functioning and pro­cesses. Idioms: cog in the machine. See engine. ... A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences


Lack of meaning in your work; stupidity.

The type of machine is important. Is the dreamer a machine (a robot).7 Also, it may be an image of the internal work your soul is undertaking.... Little Giant Encyclopedia

Little Giant Encyclopedia


1- When a machine of any sort appears in a dream, it is often highlighting the body’s automatic functions such as breathing, heart beating, elimination - those mechanical drives towards life that help us to survive.

It is usually to do with some kind of mechanical, habitual form that is, the ordinary everyday things that take place.

The ‘mechanics’ of the body are an important part of our well-being and often when we perceive a machine breaking down in dreams, it warns us that we need to take care, that perhaps we are over-stressing a particular part of our being.

2- The machine is very often to do with the brain and the thinking processes, so psychologically it is the process of thinking that is important.

American Original Slot Machine Download

If a machine seems large and overpowering, we perhaps need to reassess what we are doing to ourselves.

3- A machine may well represent the machinations of life, which would be interpreted as The Life Process.... Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary

Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary


Vision: Watching a machine in action: life will continue to go smoothly and without a hitch.

If the machine is idle: obstacles and difficulties. Working with a machine: a complicated matter is keeping you busy.

Depth Psychology: A machine is an expression of both the conscious and the unconscious strength that powers you forward in life. It also symbolizes what is “routine” in your life—often at the expense of spontaneity. Are you functioning like a machine?... Dreamers Dictionary

Dreamers Dictionary


Strangest Dream Explanations


A machine may well represent the machinations of life, which would be interpreted as the ‘life process’. In chinese medicine ch’i or spiritual energy flows in certain ways around the body and the life process aids in that flow.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Dream Meanings of Versatile


Psychological / emotional perspective: In dreams, machines represent the brain and the logical thinking processes, so psychologically it is the actual process of thinking that is important in this context, rather than what we are thinking about.

If a machine seems large and overpowering, we perhaps need to reassess the effect our actions are having, both on us and those around us.... Dream Meanings of Versatile

Dream Meanings of Versatile


Material aspects: When a machine of any sort – particularly one that operates automatically like a robot – appears in a dream, it is often highlighting the body’s automatic functions. These are the ordinary everyday actions that take place, such as breathing, heartbeat, elimination – those mechanical drives towards life that help us to survive.

The ‘mechanics’ of the body are an important part of our well-being and often when we perceive a machine breaking down in dreams, it warns us that we need to take care, that perhaps we are over-stressing a particular part of our body, such as the lungs or the intestines. You might also like to consult the entries for body and engine. Mad tmadness can be translated into feelings of spiritual ecstasy, an altered state of consciousness.... Dream Meanings of Versatile

Dream Meanings of Versatile


Psychological / emotional perspective: Being mad in a dream represents the uncontrollable – and out of control – aspects of extreme emotion.

If we are conscious of being at odds with other people, and therefore considered to be mad, we are not integrating fully within society or the group to which we belong.... Dream Meanings of Versatile

Dream Meanings of Versatile


Material aspects: When we are confronted by madness in a dream, we are confronting those parts of ourselves that, within our present situation, have not been integrated internally or properly focused. We are facing an aspect that is out of control and that, under certain circumstances, can be frightening if allowed to ‘escape’ or take us over. You might like to consult the entry for emotions for further clarification.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Dream Meanings of Versatile


Extension and utilization of natural power.

If you become a machine you have lost touch with sensitive feeling levels, mind, body, spirit interrelationship. The body is an interdimensional temple, not a robot.... The Dream Books Symbols

The Dream Books Symbols


From the earliest times, machines were compared with the human body; therefore, when one appears in dreams, it may be referring to your physical well-being, especially if the machine malfunctions, is broken, or needs some kind of maintenance or repair. Therefore, if you dream of machines, you can interpret these images as a report of the state of your body and mind. The way they work will let you know how your health is. The fuel of the machine can symbolize your sexual energy or power.

If the dreamer is driving the machine, it probably alludes to their ability to function in life and deal with problems. The meaning of each machine depends on the elements that compose it and the pace at which it moves. ... The Big Dictionary of Dreams

The Big Dictionary of Dreams


Boring daily routine, dependency, and indifference.

A need to act with more passion and conscience. In a stressful situation, it often calls up the irrational dream of a life of leisure. However, this image can also refer to how to make a work routine better, a prerequisite for working more creatively and independently. When you see yourself as a machine, you are made aware of some as yet unconscious habits. Pay particular attention to how details in the dream are presented.... Little Giant Encyclopedia

Little Giant Encyclopedia


Well-equipped for a battle. ... New American Dream Dictionary
New American Dream Dictionary


Symbolic of harmful words or spiritual weaponry ... Christian Dream Symbols
Christian Dream Symbols


Vision: Seeing or hearing a machine gun: someone around you feels guilty—and rightfully so—for what he/she has done. Firing a machine gun represents repressed aggression or the sign of a bad conscience.

The dream is a way of relieving tension.

Depth Psychology: See Pistol, Rifle, Weapon.... Dreamers Dictionary

Dreamers Dictionary


During the war or in military service it is natural to dream of guns, but apart from these situations the machine gun can be considered a symbol of the male sexual organ. See Gun.... Psycho Dream Interpretation
Psycho Dream Interpretation


If you are using a machine gun in dreams, it means you must respond quickly and with certainty to situations as they arise in real life. However, you must ensure that this aggressiveness not come back on you when dealing with others.

If the weapon gets jammed or you lose control over it, your plans will fail despite the effort invested.... The Big Dictionary of Dreams

The Big Dictionary of Dreams


A machine gun’s power rests in its ability to repeat its intention over and over again in rapid succession.

The image of a bullet landing on its target is about violent penetration, driving some point home aggressively, or being attacked by the ideas, thoughts, and expressions of someone else.

The machine gun takes this entire sensibility to another level through automated repetition. Any association that you make with shooting a gun, such as anger or retribution, could be escalating if a machine gun is featured in your dream.... Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Complete Dictionary of Dreams


These dreams are moderately common, being more frequent in women. They occur when you feel anxious about making an emotional connection or when you feel you are losing touch with someone. Elevators often appear in dreams suffering from some kind of bizarre malfunction. You push a button and go sideways or fly hurtling upward through the roof or the elevator crashes and so on. As with all symbols of movement, elevators tend to reflect your progress with a current situation or problem in waking life; if the elevator malfunctions, you are not getting what you bargained for or may be contributing unwittingly to a pattern that is no longer in your best interests. The flip side to such dreams is a dream in which smooth operation is the order of the day. This type of dream usually occurs when you feel there is an improvement in an emotional connection.... The Element Encyclopedia
The Element Encyclopedia


To dream of machinery, denotes you will undertake some project which will give great anxiety, but which will finally result in good for you.

To see old machinery, foretells enemies will overcome in your strivings to build up your fortune.

To become entangled in machinery, foretells loss in your business, and much unhappiness will follow. Loss from bad deals generally follows this dream. ... Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation


1. If machinery is complex, it means life is complex.

2. If one feels awed by, unable to operate, machinery, then one feels overwhelmed by reality.

3. Powerful.

4. Smoothly running machinery means a smooth-running life. ... New American Dream Dictionary

New American Dream Dictionary


A dream of machinery is an omen of success after adversity.

If the machinery you will have to overcome some enemies to reach your goals.

If you are caught or injured in the machinery then will you suffer unhappiness and loss. Well oiled machinery means you will have a smoothly running marriage and home life.... Tryskelion Dream Interpretation

Tryskelion Dream Interpretation


An alternative type of body dream, in which the machine’s state of repair represents your physical condition.

The general working mechanism of a relationship or situation, what makes it run smoothly (or not).

For example, machinery where the parts stop moving due to lack of lubrication may symbolize the halting of a project because some necessary components or steps are lacking.

Squeak}’: The need to oil a situation with fresh, innovative ideas.

Rust)’: Talents or knowledge that have fallen into disuse. Alternatively, things that you regard as old, antiquated, or outmoded.

Figuratively going through life very mechanically, without real emotion or attachments.... The Language of Dreams

The Language of Dreams


Smoothly running machinery is an augury of a normal and well ordered family life in a pleasant community.... The Complete Dream Book
The Complete Dream Book


A dream of machinery is an omen of success after adversity.

If the machinery you will have to overcome some enemies to reach your goals.

If you are caught or injured in the machinery then will you suffer unhappiness and loss. Well oiled machinery means you will have a smoothly running marriage and home life.... Encyclopedia of Dreams

Encyclopedia of Dreams


This dream depends upon whether you feel interested in the Machinery; if so. it is a favourable sign, though it means hard work. But if you feel afraid of the Machinery, then be careful in your ventures, for you will surely fail to carry out your purpose.... Mystic Dream Book
Mystic Dream Book


Entanglements in love and/or provocations in business dealings are the implications of a dream pertaining to machinery.... Psycho Dream Interpretation
Psycho Dream Interpretation


Smoothly running machinery in good condition is a sign of success in your current efforts, but if the machinery is idle or derelict, it indicates approaching family or employment problems^... The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams
The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams


To know the inner workings of something indicates that attention is being paid to the details of self and others.

If one dreams of functioning like a piece of machinery, then the person’s self-image or a relationship may be in need of repair.... Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia

Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia


Dreams in which your car breaks down, your computer crashes or your phone won’t work occur for two possible reasons. First of all, your dreaming mind may be warning you to take precautionary steps, such as installing anti- virus software on your computer or making sure your car is regularly serviced, so as to avert potential problems in the future.

If this isn’t the case, the malfunction could be a symbol for an aspect of yourself that isn’t working properly. A car, for example, could symbolize your energy or drive, and, if it breaks down, your lack of it. Are you in danger of running out of control? If a fuse blows in your dream, are you about to explode with frustration over someone or something?... The Element Encyclopedia

The Element Encyclopedia


Symbolic of needing to be truthful, Col. 3:9 NLT ... Christian Dream Symbols
Christian Dream Symbols


To see a sewing machine in your dream means that economizing will help you through difficult times.... My Dream Interpretation
My Dream Interpretation


1. Willingness to take a chance on something or someone.

2. Engaging in potentially self-destructive behavior. ... New American Dream Dictionary

New American Dream Dictionary


Strangest Dream Explanations


Whether you played them, watched others playing, won, lost, or broke even, dreaming of slot machines is a warning to conserve your resources (either mental, emotional or financial) because you are likely to have some unexpected demands on them in the near future.... My Dream Interpretation
My Dream Interpretation

American Original Slot Machine Apps


A slot machine is about intermittent variable reward, one of the most addictive systems in life where you may or may not win something so you feel compelled to continue trying. In what ways are you continuing to focus on something because there is a very slight chance of a big payoff? This dream may be pointing to a way in which you are tied to the habit of hope at the detriment of other aspects of your life. Of course, some gambles do pay off, so such an image in a dream may also be asking you to take a risk.... Complete Dictionary of Dreams
Complete Dictionary of Dreams


Whether you played them, observed others playing, won, lost, or broke even, these one- armed bandits featured in your dream are telling you to conserve your resources because you are likely to have some unanticipated demands on them in the near future.... The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams
The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams


To see a sloth in your dream means you are active too passive in a certain real-life situation. You need to assert yourself and make your presence known.

The sloth is also symbolic of gentleness, laziness or lack of ambition.... My Dream Interpretation

My Dream Interpretation


Symbolic of good deeds towards others, Acts 9:39 ... Christian Dream Symbols
Christian Dream Symbols


To dream of a vending machine, suggests you are trying to figure out how to get what you want from a person or situation in your waking life. This dream tells you, don’t settle for less than you deserve.... My Dream Interpretation
My Dream Interpretation


Vending machines are primarily about convenient access to the idea of snacking. As such, both concepts must be applied to the symbolic meaning in a dream.

The convenience factor relates to fulfilling an immediate need. However, the materials found in most vending machines have very little nutritional value, so the meaning is expanded to include the immediate fulfillment of a need through a low-consciousness choice. How are you feeding yourself?... Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Complete Dictionary of Dreams


1. One has the means to cleanse some part of one’s life, such as guilt.

2. Watching a washing machine in ac­tion means one’s life is humdrum. ... New American Dream Dictionary

New American Dream Dictionary


A washing machine may point to the need to clean up your attitude in order to perfect your image in the world.... Ariadne's Book of Dream
Ariadne's Book of Dream


If you dream that the washing machine is plugged in and well functioning, then you have a healthy energetic laundry system. However, if the washing machine is unplugged or malfunctioning, then this is a message to seek help to process through recent traumatic or overwhelming events in your life.... Strangest Dream Explanations
Strangest Dream Explanations


If you dream of loading or unloading a washing machine with clothes, this foretells an unexpected vacation or change of location.

If you dream of hiding or being stuck inside a washing machine, you need to escape from stress in your waking life. You may also feel that others are trying to force their opinions or values on you.... My Dream Interpretation

My Dream Interpretation


As a function of routine, clothes are kept clean in this mechanism. In this way, a washing machine is a symbol of this impulse to keep elements of your life at a certain level of condition. You may be expressing a need to clear off thoughts or feelings that are unwanted.... Complete Dictionary of Dreams
Complete Dictionary of Dreams


Symbolic of copying someone’s behavior... Christian Dream Symbols
Christian Dream Symbols

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